Almost all Brighton College pupils proceed to higher education, either immediately after the summer they leave school, or after a gap year.
The Class of 2023 hold over 100 offers from Russell Group Universities and are expected to go on to study at universities including Exeter, Manchester, UCL, Leeds, Durham and King’s College, London and beyond the UK, pupils will attend prestigious institutions including Berkley, Dartmouth, UCLA, Purdue, University of Toronto, University of Geneva and Rome University of the Arts.
Where are our pupils studying?
The College aims to help all pupils reach the university of their choice. Being an international College with an incredibly diverse pupil community, we have seen pupils continue their educational journeys at leading universities from around the world. Whilst the UK remains the favoured destination amongst our pupils, we have an increasing proportion of pupils progressing to the USA. Alongside this, we are witnessing a growth in European applications. We have recently had success stories at Science Po in Paris, and The Hague in the Netherlands.
Looking into the future
We offer all Sixth Form pupils guidance in applying to their chosen destinations. We pride ourselves on providing close and expert support throughout the UCAS application process. This enables pupils to focus on their A-levels, making sure they never find their exciting first steps towards life beyond school a burden.